
Alternative Compatible Peristaltic Hose

We don’t just supply our own!

We’ve had alternative compatible peristaltic hose made to our specification for over 10 years. Finding the right compound, manufacturing process and precision grinders (which give us some of the best tolerances in the industry) hasn’t been easy but we’re proud of our winning formula which is why our customers keep coming back for our alternative (compatible) peristaltic hose.

To help you find the right hose for the job click on the *manufacturer below, Remember to see if your size hose is also part of our current special offers as we’d like to make sure you get the best possible price (whilst stock levels are high at any rate).

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* Finally and importantly : It should be noted in regard of the above Manufacturers, Enviroflex Limited is not an authorised distributor of parts or services or products, are not associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by these companies and peristaltic parts supplied by Enviroflex Limited will be to our own proven design.